Comfort Zones

I want to include a little series on my blog called "Journal" to speak on any topics that I feel are important to me and that many of us can relate to aside from the world of beauty and fashion. This is about stepping out of my comfort zone. Creating this blog has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and do something I've been wanting to for a long time. I am hesitant on posting this but I hope you all enjoy.

I first ventured into the world of blogging in 2010 during my senior year of high school when I joined Tumblr. I used to write about just about anything. I enjoyed writing a lot in high school and Tumblr was one of my favorite outlets. A few years ago, I attempted blogging again but then fear got the best of me and the school year was starting again so I wouldn't have much time anyways.

Alas, here I am attempting blogging again as it's been something I've wanted wanted to do for a while now. My blog will never fulfill my desires. My blogs will never be pretty, brilliant, or professional. I am a perfectionist at everything I do and want my blog to be as appealing as possible. I've always enjoyed reading blogs and when I view these successful blogs, it quickly sucks away my motivation to continue with projects like this. This is when I realize that I'm stuck in my comfort zone and prevent myself from trying new things.

I have always been a creative person whether it's been through writing or art. Doing anything significant brings a lot of fear to me. It all comes back down to fear so I keep these things to myself. My biggest bullies are doubt, fear and comparison. It takes bravery to step out of your comfort zone and expose yourself to others even if your greatest critic is living in your mind.

I've never been the most confident person. It's been a long road coming. I've always faced insecurity from feeling insignificant, my confidence, to not being "pretty" enough. Growing into the person I was born to be has taken time to love and I am happy with the person I am becoming. Everyday we are growing and changing to become a better person than who we were yesterday. I'm writing this blog to overcome my fear of insignificance. My fear of speaking up and feeling insignificant has taken control of majority of my life and I'm ready to let my voice be heard and share the things I love and speak on topics that mean something to me. 

Like anyone else, I want people to think that I'm smart, witty, and inspiring. But, what others think about me doesn't matter. We have all been given the power and skill to do anything we set our mind to. Try new things, explore different places. Don't limit yourself. Here's to stepping out my comfort zone and showing the world what I've got to offer besides what's seen on social media and of course, inspire
Here's to doing something, because you can.


  1. Im so proud of you! I want to be as cool as you and step out of my comfort zone too!

    1. you can be just as cool and step out of your comfort zone too! <3
