Staying Organized

Time management overall is something I'd like to improve in 2018. Between work, blogging and time with friends and family, I'd like to make adequate time for everything without stressing myself out. This is where organization comes into play which is difficult for many of us. But these three tips help keep me organized on a day to day basis. 
  • To-Do Lists 
Ah, I love to-do lists! They can either make you feel proud and accomplished or like crap for having not crossed off a single task by the end of the day. It's inevitable that things come up throughout your day and some tasks are likely to be pushed aside. Setting weekly to-do lists are great so you give yourself the week or even a few days to accomplish your tasks. I write mine down in the notes section of my phone or in a small notebook. 
  • Setting Goals 
This is something that I'm still working on day to day. I like to set a small goal for myself at the start of the week like writing a new blog post or other small things I need to do. This helps complete little tasks that do not necessarily need to be completed right away but would be nice to get out of the way. You could even set personal goals like "drink 8 cups of water every day this week!" or "wake up by 8am every day." Setting small goals like those really help you feel accomplished and you'll find you'll become more productive with your days. 
  • Keep a Planner 
I used to live out of my day planner when I was in college. It was my savior. I was weird when it came to choosing the perfect day planner though. It can't be too small, nor too big. It had to have a monthly overview too. Finding a day planner that works well for you will really help optimize your organization. 

I hope these baby steps can be of some help to some of you to become more organized!

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