2018 Goals

I’m really looking forward to 2018. Like I’m genuinely excited for it to be a new year. I have a feeling that 2018 will be a good year. Maybe it’s because I like even numbers. This past year has been good to me. For starters, I purchased my first brand new car at 24 years old. I turned 25 years old! (Halfway to 50, yikes!) I traveled to Wisconsin and Chicago, IL which I fell in love with the city of Chicago! I saw several bands/artists live: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Banks, Cuco, Kendrick Lamar, Mac Demarco, and The Weeknd. I started my new hobby: my blog! Exploring more places in LA. And just spending time with my friends and family. In 2017, there was also some struggle. I lacked a lot of motivation and let fear get the best of me like not believing in my self-worth to apply to certain grad school programs and jobs, and  my physical well being. But I'm ready to change all that come this new year. My motto for 2018 will be PONTE LAS PILAS (get yourself together).

Goals for 2018:

• More self-care and self love. It's been a journey of self-love but I'm at my most confident I've ever been. Of course there's always room for more. I want to continue loving the person I am and embrace who I am. I want to be more aware of what I'm thinking, feeling, and be gentle with myself. I want to eliminate negativity, toxicity and comparison to others. More self-care! I want to take care of my mind, body and soul by focusing on exercising and my diet. I also want to start meditation. Lastly, live my life with purpose by setting goals and challenging myself. 

• Advance my career. I’ve been at my current job for two years now! While it’s been quite the learning experience, it’s time to move on to bigger and better things. I’ve been on the job hunt for several months now and they really weren’t kidding when they said it’s harder than it seems even with a Bachelor’s degree. I’m definitely going to push myself to search for a secure job that will be able to keep me stable. I also want to apply to a grad school program to get my masters degree. That was my goal this year but I was extremely discouraged but I won’t let my fears get the best of me.

• Travel/explore more. It had been a while since I’ve last traveled up until this past year when I went to Wisconsin and Chicago. It left me questioning why don’t I travel more. I have an immense feeling of wanderlust. I want to go everywhere on my bucket list whether it's here in California or out of state. 

•Spend less money, save more money. I’m such an impulsive person. When I see something I like, I buy it. It’s bad. I’ve become better with self-control this year but still. I really want to become a more minimalist person. I want to minimize the clutter of things I own and the things I buy. I’m only getting older and makeup, clothes, and other little things aren’t worth it when I can be saving towards a larger goal like moving into my own apartment or even buying a home.

•Donate more whether it’s time or money. I try to donate a little here and there whenever I can. I really want to start donating to charities and organizations that are important to me. I also want to start volunteering and helping others in my community that are in need.

Let me know your goals for the new year! Here’s to a great new year filled with lots of love and happiness.

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