Lately poetry books have taken over my life. It's literally all I've been reading lately. I recently finished reading a book called 7, 300 Days by Isabella Mente. There was one page towards the end of the book that stuck out to me because it's what I've been dealing with lately. The pressure of not being where I wish to be has been giving me an immense amount of discouragement.
Lately the thought of not being where I want to be yet has been making me feel so discouraged like I never have before. It could be this quarter life crisis I'm experiencing. They weren't lying when they said you experience this at twenty-five years old. Everyone has a "plan" they want to follow through the course of their life. Since I graduated from university at twenty-three in 2015, my plan was to at least finish grad school at twenty-seven and have a good job to be able to fully support myself. Now I'm four months away from turning twenty-six and not even in grad school or near having my dream job. I've been pressuring myself so much lately to have a good paying job and attend grad school. The pressure isn't just from myself but also from my mother which I know she wants the best for me. I've been comparing myself to others' success and it's just not being fair to myself.
What I forget to remind myself often is: everyone has their own clock. Everything happens according to our own time and are living at our own pace. It might take longer to achieve something or get somewhere and that's okay. We shouldn't compare ourselves to others because not everyone gets to where they want to be right away. Patience is a virtue we must all learn. One day you will achieve your goals and dreams whether you're 27 or 35. Now is not always the time but what's important is that you're trying and working towards success. Like we say in Spanish, si se puede!
If you're experiencing a similar feeling, never, ever give up until you're exactly where you hope to be. Like my Instagram bio states, "bloom like the flower you were born to be."
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